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‘May I hold my family’s hands?’ – Final request from disabled Tamil man moments before execution

Last-ditch appeals by the family of a disabled Tamil man have been rejected, as Singapore’s highest court scheduled the execution of mentally disabled Nagaenthran K Dharmalingam for just a few minutes time.

The Tamil Malaysian has been on death row since 2010. Dharmalingam was convicted on charges of carrying a meagre 42.72 grams of heroin into Singapore, a country that has received widespread criticism over its harsh drug laws. 

After the court read out its decision, Dharmalingam made a last-minute request via a translator to “spend some time with my family members” after a stay of execution was dismissed.

“I’m placing this request so I can hold my family members’ hands.”

‘Here in court, Your Honour, I would like to hold my family members’ hands, not in prison. May I please have permission to hold their hands here?”

The request was approved. A slit in the glass in the courtroom separating Dharmalingam allowed him to hold hands with his mother.

Nagaenthran's mother who travelled to Singapore and lodged a last-ditch appeal. She represented herself via a translator.

Family members from Malaysia gathered at the court to file a last-minute stay of execution. The court dismissed it, ruling, “there must come a time when the last word of the court is the last word”.

Read more from the Independent here and the Sydney Morning Herald here.

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