Tamil man killed after Sri Lankan police officer kicks motorbike off course in Jaffna

A Tamil man has died after Sri Lankan police kicked the motorbike he was travelling on, causing him to collide with a concrete pillar and sustain fatal injuries.

The man has been identified as 41-year-old Selvanayakam Pradeepan, a resident of Koppay South. Sri Lankan police claim that Pradeepan failed to stop at a checkpoint in Jaffna. Officers further along the road were reportedly alerted, with one blocking Pradeepan’s path and kicking his motorbike.

The bike veered off course and hit a concrete pillar. Pradeepan was seriously injured and rushed to Tellippalai Hospital by onlookers, where he was pronounced dead on admission.

Sri Lankan police have since arrested the officer who is accused of causing the accident. 

However, many remain sceptical about whether charges will actually be brought or justice served for the death. Sri Lankan police officers continue to act with impunity across the Tamil homeland, with ongoing reports of torture and other rights abuses remaining unpunished.

Earlier in April, Sri Lanka police assaulted another Tamil man after he had asked police to return his phone which they had seized. In January of this year, a Tamil youth who was recently released from prison in Jaffna died. In November 2023, a Tamil youth was tortured to death by Sri Lankan police.

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