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Tamil families of the disappeared distribute Mullivaikkal Kanji in Mannar

Tamil families of the disappeared served Mullivaikkal Kanji in Mannar yesterday to commemorate 15 years since the genocide at Mullivaikkal. 

Tamil families have been searching for their loved ones who were forcibly disappeared by the state. In 2009, thousands of Tamil combatants, men, women and children surrendered to Sri Lanka's military and have not been seen to date. 

Several members of Mannar's Association of the Relatives of the Forcibly Disappeared gathered to distribute the kanji and remember the victims of the massacre at Mullivaikkal.   

The Mullivaikkal Kanji was the only source of sustenance during the last phase of the armed conflict when Sri Lanka’s security forces shelled and bombed the government-declared No Fire Zone. 

The Sri Lankan government denied the delivery of food into conflict zones, to use starvation as a weapon of war. As Tamils stood in long queues to get a bowl of kanji, the Sri Lankan military continued their daily bombardment, slaughtering many. 

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