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Witness in Chunnakam police station murder continues to receive threats

The main witness in the case of the torture and murder of a Tamil man by Sri Lankan police in Jaffna continues to receive threats as the case awaits further hearing in court.

T Logeswaran who is a witness in the 2011 torture and murder of Sriskantharajah Sumanan by Chunnakam police has registered a complaint with the Human Rights Commission (HRCSL) after four masked persons went outside his home late on Thursday night, slammed his gates and shouted threats to his family and neighbours.

Sri Lankan police officers were on duty around 500m away, Logeswaran said, but the individuals were able to get away easily despite having covered up their motorcycle license plates.

On November 25, 2011, five persons were arrested by the Chunnakam police following a complaint received in connection with a robbery worth of LKR 35 lakhs. Among them, Sriskantharajah Sumanan was arrested as the primary suspect.

A report was submitted to the Kilinochchi Magistrate’s Court by the police stating that Sumanan, who was taken to Vaddakkachchi for questioning, escaped from police custody and committed suicide by jumping into the Iranaimadu Tank.

However the case was opened after witnesses testified that Sumanan was tortured and killed by the police at the Chunnakam Police Station and his body was taken to Kilinochchi and thrown into the tank by the police in an attempted coverup.

The case is currently adjourned until December 6 of this year following the death of the fifth plaintiff Dorayalage Hemachandra Weerasinghe in prison.

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