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NPC resolutions ‘proof’ that TNA is terrorist – Home Affairs Minister

A senior minister has said that the recent resolution passed by the Northern Provincial Council, calling on the government to withdraw the ban on diaspora groups, is treason and proof that the TNA are terrorists, reported the Daily News.

Public Administration and Home Affairs Minister W. D. J. Seneviratna said that the Northern Provincial councillor’s actions clearly showed that they were promoting terrorism and the LTTE’s ‘separatist Eelam agenda’.

"They have rallied to promote terrorism in the Council. This is proof they are terrorists."

"The government took this decision to ban 16 Tamil Diaspora fronts, among them New York lawyer Visuvanathan Ruthirakumaran's Trans National Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE), Fr. S. J. Emmanuel's Global Tamil Forum (GTF), Nadiyawan's Tiger group, Canadian Tamil Congress and the UK-based British Tamil Forum(BTF), because they pose a clear threat to the country for they are on a mission to promote activities that would destabilise the country's ongoing sensitive national reconciliation process,"

"These groups had direct connections with the LTTE in the past. They are now trying to promote the LTTE's separatist Eelam agenda to revive terrorism in Sri Lanka. They have launched massive disinformation campaigns against the government to achieve their sinister objectives,"

"How can the Northern Provincial Councillors have the audacity to go as far as adopting resolutions in favour of these groups? They too used to be supporters of the LTTE. Their actions clearly show they are promoting terrorism on the pretext that they are public representatives," he said.

The Monitoring MP for Mass Media, AHM Azwar, said that it is a fact that the TNA have been ‘LTTE proxies’, and as such it could only be TNA councillors who supported the ‘sinister agenda’ of the pro-LTTE networks abroad.

"They have crossed the line by going on to adopt resolutions against the center to favour those who they receive funds from. How can they adopt resolutions demanding for the withdrawal of the ban on foreign terrorist organisations which have been proscribed by a legitimate government on behalf of a nation?"

"The Northern Provincial Councilors are led by Chief Minister C. V. Vigneswaran, who was a former Supreme Court Judge. He should know the gravity of the issue. One can also ask oneself whether he has lost control of the Northern Provincial Council. He is supposed to lead his people. It appears he is being led by those members around him."

"It is also possible that Chief Minister Vigneswaran too has fallen in line with those imperialist forces backed up by Tamil Diaspora groups that are trying to destabilise the country and revive terrorism," Azwar said.

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