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NPC condemns proscription of diaspora groups

The Northern Provincial Council condemned the Sri Lankan government's proscription of fifteen diaspora organisations and over 400 individuals, calling for the ban to be withdrawn, in a resolution passed yesterday.

"We've stated that this [proscription] is an attempt to make the groups out to be terrorists [and] we condemn this," NPC member M.K. Shivajilingam told Tamil Guardian.

"The diaspora groups are acting democratically within their own respective countries, and we have included this [in the resolution] also," he said.

In its 8th meeting the NPC passed a number of resolutions, including for a call to repeal the Prevention of the Terorrism Act.

See related articles:

NPC calls for Prevention of Terrorism Act to be repealed (28 Apr 2014)

NPC demands end to military presence within Jaffna Uni grounds (28 Apr 2014)

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