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Murdered Tamil journalist Nimalarajan remembered across the North-East

The slain journalist Mylvaganam Nimalarajan was remembered in a series of memorial events across the North-East today to mark the 22nd anniversary of his death. 

In Vavuniya, Tamil families of the disappeared lit lamps and laid flowers before a portrait of the murdered journalist.

"Had Nimalarajan been alive, he would have untied and exposed the knots of Tamil politicians with his powerful writing," said G Rajkumar, secretary of the association for the families of the disappeared in Vavuniya.

He went on to call on Tamil political leaders to unite demand a referendum across the North-East to establish and independent state.

In Jaffna, a commemorative event was also held by the Jaffna Press Club

Several senior editors and journalists paid tribute before a portrait of Nimalarajan.


Another remembrance ceremony was also held by journalists in Mullaitivu at the Mullaitivu Press Club.

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