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Collective formed in Vavuniya to resist ongoing Sinhala colonisation

Various political parties and members of the public have joined together to form a collective aimed at resisting the ongoing Sinhala colonisation and Buddhistisation of the traditional Tamil homeland in Vavuniya, while also protecting the properties of Tamil people.

The cooperative will implement two mechanisms to achieve their goals. Firstly, a committee of seven people has been established to document sites that are being occupied by the state with the assistance of the Archaeological department. Secondly, regular hunger strikes will be organized to raise awareness and protest the ongoing state-sponsored Sinhala colonisation and Buddhistisation of the Tamil homeland.

Representatives from several groups, including the Eelam People's Revolutionary Liberation Front, Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization, People's Liberation Organization of Tamil Eelam, All Ceylon Tamil Congress, New Democratic Marxists Leninist Party, Tamil United Liberation Front, and members of the public participated in the discussion.

The cooperative was formed in response to concerns over the increasing colonisation of Tamil areas by Sinhalese settlers and the construction of Buddhist structures in traditionally Tamil areas.

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