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We will work to ensure Tamils' right to self-determination vows TNPF

The Tamil National People's Front (TNPF) pledged to work to "ensure an independent, respectful and peaceful life for the Tamil people, with the right to self-determination" and towards the party's political goal of "two nations one country", in series of 8 declaration made on May Day at the TNPF rally in Karaveddy.

See here for TNPF's statement in Tamil, the declarations have been translated below:

1. We will voice for the rights of Tamil workers, labourers and fisherpeople who are simultaneously facing racial discrimination and class oppression.

2. We will establish and take forward political, economic, and socio-cultural policies based on the benefit/good of the Tamil nation.

3. We will fight against the planned land grabs.

4. We will fight together to ensure an independent international investigation into the genocide of the Tamil people takes place.

5. We will work towards establishing an internationally supervised transitional administration, as not only is Sri Lanka rejecting an international investigation, but it is using its military posture to ensure that no evidence can be submitted independently,without fear.

6. We will form and carry out robust external affairs policies for the Tamil nation.

7. We will take action to work to strengthen our struggle, working hand-in-hand with Tamil Nadu relations.

8. We will mobilise everyone and work to achieve our political goal of 'two nations one country', and ensure an independent, respectful and peaceful life for the Tamil people, with the right to self-determination.

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