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We will remember our dead on May 18 – NPC Chairman

The chairman of the Northern Provincial Council, CVK Sivagnanam on Tuesday reiterated the Tamil people’s right to remembrance of those who died during the armed conflict.

Speaking to reporters, Mr Sivagnanam said as the government has changed its annual war victory day, marked on May 18, to a remembrance day, all dead, including fighters, scholars and civilians, should be able to be remembered without fear.

"No one can issue a ban on the remembrance of fighters, scholars and civilians, who died during the final phase of the war. In the past, there was intolerance and prohibition of these events. However, reports say the current government has announced it will mark May 18 as a remembrance day, instead of a war victory day. We will assume this will create an environment where all dead can be remembered without any disruptions or fear. Therefore we will remember them," Mr Sivagnanam said.

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