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US offers upto $5 million bounty for Rwandan genocide suspects

The United States have set a bounty of upto $5 million on each of the nine fugitive suspected perpetrators of the genocide in Rwanda.

The US Ambassador for War Crimes, Stephen Rapp, confirmed during a visit to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), that the bounty would be paid to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest of the suspects, including Felicien Kabuga, suspected chief financier of the genocide, Protais Mpiranya, former commandant of the infamous Presidential Guard, and former defence minister Augustin Bizimana.

The chief prosecutor of the ICTR hailed the success of the Reward for Justice Programme by the US.

“The US has helped ICTR to apprehend several fugitives under this programme. In other words the programme has been successful.” said Justice Hassan-Bubakar Jallow.

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