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US criticises Serbian president’s genocide denial

The United States has condemned Serbian president Tomislav Nikolic’s statement denying genocide in Srebrenica, labelling it “counterproductive”.

US State Department spokesperson Mark Toner, responded to the newly sworn in Serbian president’s comments, stating,

"Genocide in Srebrenica is not a subjective determination. It is a defined criminal act which the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia has confirmed in final and binding verdicts in multiple cases."

"The International Court of Justice also has concluded that genocide occurred in Srebrenica. It cannot be denied."

Toner went on to state that Nikolic had,

"an opportunity to set a constructive tone within the region, but such unfounded statements about Srebrenica and other war crimes are counterproductive to promoting stability and reconciliation in the region."

He also urged all parties “to take responsible actions in support of cooperation and reconciliation."

See our earlier post: Serbian president says 'no genocide in Srebrenica' (03 June 2012)

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