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US China pledge cooperation on Asia

The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her Chinese counterpart have announced on the sidelines of the ASEAN regional forum in Pnomh Penh that the two countries will cooperate on issues concerning Asia.

"I am delighted that we are going to be issuing a joint media note,'

''It is an important signal that the United States and China not only can but will work together in Asia." she told the meeting.

Mr Yang told reporters on Thursday that China was ready to ''enhance'' dialogue and ''expand... common ground'' with the US.

"China and US relations have continued to make progress this year," he added.

The Asean meeting is overshadowed by tensions over several countries’ claims over the oil rich South China Sea.

Mrs Clinton urged the countries to "work collaboratively and diplomatically to resolve disputes without coercion, without intimidation, without threats and without use of force''.

She stressed the US will not ''take sides'' in the disputes and has no territorial claim in the region.

"But we do have an interest in freedom of navigation, the maintenance of peace and stability, respect for international law and unimpeded lawful commerce in the South China Sea."

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