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US chemical weapon threat 'excuse' to attack Syria

The Chinese state's media organ, Xinhua, has accused President Obama of intending to use Syria's chemical weapons as an 'excuse' for military intervention, after he warned that there would be 'enormous consequences' if there was any indication of Syria planning to use chemical or biological weapons.

Xinhua criticised his comments as 'dangerously irresponsible'

"Once again, Western powers are digging deep for excuses to intervene militarily," it said.

"Apart from being ineffective to bring real peace, military interventions by the United States and its Western partners are always interests-driven and highly selective.

"It is not difficult to find that, under the disguise of humanitarianism, the United States has always tried to smash governments it considers as threats to its so-called national interests and relentlessly replace them with those that are Washington-friendly."

Russia had also previously warned against US intervention in Syria, saying that only the UN Security Council can sanction the use of force.

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