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Unity when it matters

While Tamils commemorate the massacres of the end of the armed conflict, prominent Sri Lankan politicians from both sides of the Sinhala divide continue to laud the armed forces as “heroes.”

UNP Minister for Housing and Construction Sajith Premadasa’s posted a tweet saying "Remembering our war heroes" this morning.

Former defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa posted to his Facebook page,

"I salute the brave soldiers who fought with determination, courage and an abiding love for their country, so that we could live in peace today. Defeating terrorism, which ravaged our country for three decades and affected every citizen, regardless of age, gender, race or religion, is a cause for celebration with dignity. Therefore, we must overcome the current attempts by unrelenting forces to persecute and tarnish the image of those who fought bravely for their motherland."

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