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United Nations attack Congolese rebels

United Nations combat helicopters attacked Congolese M23 rebels as they advanced on the largest city in the eastern region of Congo, Goma.

A UN peacekeeping spokesman, Kieran Dwyer, said that the UN helicopters had fired cannons and rockets at the rebels.

The EU also joined the UN in calling on the rebels to halt their advance, with the foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton voicing concerns about the area.

“I call on the M23 to immediately stop the military offensive against the city of Goma,” she said in a statement

A majority of the Western aid agencies in the city have been ordered to move to neighbouring Rwanda, in order to avoid the possible devastating violence that is set to occur in Goma.

The M23 rebels have warned that they will seize the city should the Congolese army chose to attack them.

Over 50,000 people are thought to have fled their homes as a result of the recent M23 advancements.

UN peacekeepers are expected to prevent the rebels from entering the city, though sources in Goma have noted

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