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UN: urgent investigation into Rohingya clashes needed

The United Nations Human rights envoy to Burma, Tomas Ojea Quintana, called for an urgent investigation into the Rakhine state conflict that has left at least 78 dead and tens of thousands homeless.

Speaking at the end of a six day visit to Burma, Quintanta expressed his concerns about allegations of murder, torture and mass arrests by security forces ‘restoring order’ in the state.

Outlining the importance of an investigation, he said,

“It is of fundamental importance to clearly establish what has happened in the Rakhine state and ensure accountability. Reconciliation will not be possible without this and exaggerations and distortions will fill the vacuum to further fuel distrust and tensions between communities.”

Quintanta also acknowledged that current Rohingya displacement camps were not acceptable as a long term solution for the displaced.

Mr Quintana will report his findings to the United Nations General Assembly.

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