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UN Security Council drafts sanctions against Congo rebels

The United Nations Security Council has drafted a statement that will see sanctions imposed on leaders of the rebel group M23 and those breaking arms embargoes to them, according to Reuters.

A draft statement seen by Reuters said,

"The Security Council expresses its intention to apply targeted sanctions against the leadership of the M23 and those acting in violation of the sanctions regime and the arms embargo,"

The council also went on to express “deep concern” at external support being provided to the rebels by neighbouring countries and called for an end to it.

The reports of sanctions come after a Security Council's Group of Experts report which alleged that both Rwanda and Uganda had been supporting rebels in their fight against Congolese government troops.

Rwanda's Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo however strongly denied the accusation telling Reuters,

"It's wrong. This report is very problematic so anybody who would want to take action based on that report would be really unfortunate."

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