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UN rights probe an ‘international trap’ set by India – NFF

The National Freedom Front (NFF), a partner of President Mahinda Rajapaksa's ruling coalition, warned the Sri Lankan government against being caught in an ‘international trap’ set by ‘enemy forces’ in the guise of an international investigation into wartime atrocities, reported ColomboPage.

A spokesman for the NFF, Mohammad Muzammil, told reporters that India’s motives in abstaining on the UN resolution against Sri Lanka were doubtful. He accused India of secretly backing an international investigation, and claimed Delhi was instrumental in getting two previous resolutions on Sri Lanka through the UN Human Rights Council.

"Not only India voted for those resolutions, India also tried hard to getting other countries to vote for the resolutions," he said.

Muzammil said India only abstained this year to get the Sri Lankan government to implement the 13th Amendment, warning that if the government falls into India's trap, other supportive countries like Russia, China and Pakistan would distance themselves from Sri Lanka.

The NFF was formed in 2008 by ten MPs led by the firebrand politician Wimal Weerawansa who split from the JVP after he publicly opposed the disarming of the pro-government paramilitary TMVP, in contradiction to JVP party policy.

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