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U.N rights chief urges Nepal to investigate war abuses

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, urged Nepal to proceed with plans to investigate its 10-year-civil war which saw abuses committed by both sides.

Pillay outlined that, “Perpetrators of serious violations on both sides have not been held accountable, (and) in some cases have been promoted and may now even be offered an amnesty”, in the introduction to an online report documenting the violations.

The report , linked to a database of 30,000 documents detailing atrocities in the conflict, was compiled to help the Nepalese official bodies and non-government organisations tackle the issue.

According to the report, the conflict was marked by “ unlawful killings, disappearances, torture, arbitrary arrests and rape” committed by the armed forces.

Information gathered by the ONHCR suggested that over 13,000 people lost their lives.

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