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UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka pledges assistance towards reconciliation

The UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka, Subinay Nandy, said the global body would provide technical assistance and contributions to advance reconciliation and find a sustainable solution to the longstanding ethnic grievances, reports ColomboPage.

Mr Nandy met with President Maithripala Sirisena on Tuesday, ahead of the release of a United Nations investigation into violations of international humanitarian law committed during the final stages of the armed conflict.

The report, released earlier today, found a pattern of violations that suggest that crimes against humanity and war crimes were likely committed with the United Nations Human Rights Chief Zeid Hussein saying “it is an inescapable reality that Sri Lanka’s criminal justice system is not ready to handle these types of crimes”.

Mr Sirisena reportedly “reiterated Sri Lanka's commitment to all international obligations which it has engaged with and will continue to do so in the future”.


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