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UN Human Rights Council must ‘stay the course’ – CIVICUS

CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation called on the UN Human Rights Council to “stay the course and serve as a springboard for just action” on Sri Lanka, at the opening day of the 30th UN Human Rights Council session in Geneva on Monday.

In a statement delivered at the session, CIVICUS said it was awaiting the High Commissioner’s report on violations of international humanitarian law in Sri Lanka, adding,

“We are cognisant that the Council has indeed served as a forum where victims of human rights abuses have been able to bring their stories; it has listened and given courage to the oppressed in all communities”.

“Following the recent elections, we believe the council must stay the course and serve as a springboard for just action, particularly for the victims of gross human rights violations and members of civil society who have been persecuted in their search for truth, justice and lasting peace in the country.”


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