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UN to establish fund to set up accountability mechanism in Sri Lanka

Updated 08/06/2015

The United Nations will establish a fund to help Sri Lanka produce a mechanism that will address human rights violations and accountability issues in line with international standards.

The UN peace building fund will provide $3 million to establish a peace building process that looks into reconciliation and accountability.

The Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Sri Lanka Subinay Nandy, outlining plans of the Office of the Human Rights Commissioner (OHCHR) to assist accountability measures, said,

“First, technical support to establish an inclusive credible domestic mechanism to address human rights violations and accountability and provide redress to victims..in line with international standards. ”

Speaking at a donor conference on the Comprehensive Policy Framework and Formulation of the Resettlement Action Plan last week, Mr Nandy, announced further plans for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to lead technical support to the Northern Province, stating the organisation's intention "to provide technical support to the Northern Provincial government to better plan and undertake development programs, generate revenue and reach out to communities for consultation and feedback."

Mr Nandy, added that the "release of land occupied by the military is a key initiative" in Sri Lanka's peacebuilding process.

See full statement here.

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