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UN deadline passes for Sudan - South Sudan agreement

The UN Security Council deadline for Sudan and South Sudan to negotiate a peace agreement has passes, as extra time is granted to further develop negotiations.

France’s UN ambassador and current president of the Security Council, Gerard Araud, said, “clearly Sudan and South Sudan have not fulfilled all the conditions laid down, although progress has been achieved.”

The Security Council passed a resolution in May, giving the 2 states, who were at that time on the brink of war, 3 months to resolve their issues.  The resolution allowed for the consideration of sanctions if a peace accord was not reached, however French envoy, Gerard Araud, outlined that there is a common understanding at the Security Council that sanctions are not yet necessary.

US Secretary of State is due to visit South Sudan and will undoubtedly pile on pressure for the two countries to work towards resolving the issues causing conflict between South Sudan and Sudan.


Clashes between the two nations have broken out along the disputed border, with Sudan being accused of staging air raids in the south. Recent weeks have seen both sides moving their forces out of the disputed areas, resulting in an ease in violence.

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