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UN considering financial assistance to help Sri Lanka reconcile Tamil community

The United Nations is exploring financial assistance to the Sri Lankan government in reconciling with the Tamil community through a transparent and inclusive process with all key stakeholders.

The spokesperson for the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, speaking in a press conference on Wednesday said,

“At the request of the Government of Sri Lanka, the UN is exploring the provision of a broad package of technical and financial assistance in consultation with all key stakeholders.”

The spokesperson, Stephen Dujarric stressed that the UN support would be built on the basis of inclusive, transparent and participatory consultations with all key stakeholders.
Mr Dujarric added that the principles of transparency and inclusivity would be applied for any UN support to the government of Sri Lanka to establish a credible accountability and reconciliation mechanism that meets international standards.

UN cannot deal with North-East directly to provide assistance – Government (05 Aug 2015)
UN yet to decide on domestic or international accountability process for Sri Lanka
(01 Aug 2015)

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