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UN ‘redundant guardian of global peace’ says Amnesty

In their annual human rights report, Amnesty International has slammed the United Nations Security Council, labelling it "tired, out of step and increasingly unfit for purpose".

The London-based human rights group, stated that world leadership has failed when action was needed, saying,

“A failure to intervene in Sri Lanka and inaction over crimes against humanity in Syria – one of Russia’s main customers for arms – left the UN Security Council looking redundant as a guardian of global peace.”

Amnesty Secretary-General Salil Shetty commented,

"There is a clear and compelling case for the situation in Syria to be referred to the International Criminal Court for investigation of crimes against humanity."

"The determination of some UN Security Council members to shield Syria at any cost leaves accountability for these crimes elusive and is a betrayal of the Syrian people."

"There must be a way in which, when it comes to human rights abuse on the scale we're talking about, the use of veto powers is simply not acceptable."

See the full report here.

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