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UK will continue to fully support implementation of UNHRC resolution – Swire

The Foreign and Commonwealth Minister Hugo Swire said that the British government will continue to support and work with the UN Human Rights Council, to ensure the “proper implementation” of the resolution which established an independent investigation.

Mr Swire, speaking in parliament on Wednesday, said that the OHCHR will lead the independent investigation into alleged violations and that the British government continues to urge Sri Lanka to cooperate with the resolution.

“Our officials in Geneva continue to discuss the March 2014 UN Human Rights Council (UN HRC) resolution with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR),” Mr Swire said in response to a question by Labour MP Virendra Sharma.

“We will continue to fully support and work with the UN HRC and international partners to ensure proper implementation of this resolution. The OHCHR will lead an independent investigation into alleged violations. We continue to urge the Sri Lankan Government to co-operate with the UN resolution.”

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