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True war criminals in UK not Sri Lanka says WPC Minister

The UK "had no right to force its will upon Sri Lanka" said the Western Provincial Council Minister Udaya Gammanpila, slamming a statement made by the British High Commissioner John Rankin urging Sri Lanka to cooperate with the international inquiry.

His comments were reproduced in an article published by the state newspaper DailyNews.lk, entitled - "Has H.C no respect?".

"The true war criminals are in the United Kingdom and not in Sri Lanka. That is why the British Government under pressure appointed the Commission to investigate into the war crimes committed by the British in Afghanistan and in Iraq," he reportedly said, adding, "we call upon the British to publish immediately the Chilcott Report to qualify to make such a statement".

"Once the government with a massive majority passes a motion in the House of Representatives, refusing to comply with the demand for a probe, they should know that and must respect the sovereignty of our country," Minister Gammanpila said.

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