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TNA hasn’t abandoned “Eelam” ideology – Sri Lankan Minister

The Higher Education Minister of Sri Lanka, SB Dissanayake, has said in an interview to the Daily News that the TNA has not given up on the Eelam ideology taken by “terrorist” groups and should realise that the country had been united under one flag.

"The TNA has refused to participate in the Parliamentary Select Committee proceedings proposed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa, because they have not risen from their Eelam based ideological terrain," Dissanayake said.

"The PSC is mandated to look into constitutional changes to solve the national issue through power sharing changes. The TNA has maintained that power sharing or devolution of power would be an interim solution, and that it is not the final solution to the Tamil problem. This is a position taken by a separatist terrorist group, (LTTE) that was defeated by the government,

"This being so, the TNA has raised concerns about the 13th Amendment demanding Police and Land powers to Provincial Councils. As a principle, we believe in devolution of power and empowerment of the public to solve issues. power sharing solutions are always at risk when there are separatist agendas lurking behind to snatch opportunity," he said.

"Devolving power will always be hazardous in the presence of separatist political elements and agendas although LTTE terrorism has been eliminated by the government, one must not forget pro - LTTE Tamil Diaspora is still in operation to nurture the LTTE's separatist Eelam struggle," he said.

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