Tamils block another Sri Lankan land grab attempt as soldiers face off protestors

Local Tamils managed to block off another land grab attempt by the Sri Lankan military this week, as armed troops from the navy squared off against demonstrators in Jaffna.

Residents state that Sri Lanka’s land survey department was attempting to acquire at least 1 acre of private land for the navy in Mathagal, Jaffna.

One local said that the Sri Lankan navy visited his house at 11 pm the night before and asked him to sign an agreement to hand over the land to the military. He refused.

As land survey officials arrived, demonstrators gathered to protest, with local politicians joining locals in the demonstration. Armed members of the Sri Lankan navy were deployed as the demonstration continued. Troops stood on guard with their rifles, whilst other soldiers photographed the protesting Tamils.

Eventually, the land survey department abandoned their attempt.

Last month, locals managed to successfully push back against similar land grab attempts in Mandaithivu and Pungudutivu.

Tamil politicians from across the political spectrum have slammed Sri Lanka’s attempts at acquiring land across the North-East as a move to alter the demography of the Tamil homeland.

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