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Tamil parties to call for self-determination and end to oppression at May Day marches today

09:54 BST 

Calling for Tamils' right to self-determination, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) will be holding its event in Chavakachcheri, as well as another event in Batticaloa, which is already underway.

Last week, TNA MP Mavai Senathirajah told reporters that the march would also include other issues such as the land-grabs by the Sri Lankan government, resettlement, cost of living and unemployment.

The Tamil National People's Front (TNPF), holding its event in Karaveddy, Jaffna district, will be protesting against all forms of oppression faced by the Tamil people. 

"On this day, let us all gather to recognise the sovereignty of the Tamil nation, and to achieve a political solution in terms of two nations one country; and in the meantime to create a temporary mechanism to be relieved from the occupation," the TNPF said in a statement issued last week.

"In this situation when the changing international environment is becoming an opportunity, let all people within the Tamil homeland come together, irrespective of caste, religion, regional division and gender towards the recognition of the [Tamil] nation, and unite against all kinds of oppression," the statement read.


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