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Tamil Nadu says no LTTE threat to dam, defying Indian intelligence report

The Tamil Nadu government stated that there is no threat to the Mullaperiyar dam from the LTTE, in defiance of an Indian Intelligence Bureau report.

In a report submitted to the Supreme Court, the Tamil Nadu government turned around from its apparent position last week, which recalled an LTTE threat to the dam and called for central security forces.

The dam is at the centre of a dispute between Kerala and Tamil Nadu, and is currently guarded by Kerala security forces.

In the submission Tamil Nadu also denied making any allegations that the LTTE was a threat in any submission to the court. The government was initially criticsed by opposition parties, including the DMK, PMK and MDMK, who accused it of trying to slur the  LTTE. Over 1,000 MDMK members had gathered at the Kalavasal junction to protest against what they said was Tamil Nadu’s "double standard" on the issue.

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