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Syrian attacks on bread lines are war crimes – HRW

Human Rights Watch has accused the Syrian government of committing further war crimes, after reports that government forces have repeatedly targeted civilians, whilst they were waiting in queues to receive bread.

The organisation stated that at least 10 bakeries had been targeted in the last 3 weeks in the Aleppo province, by “artillery shells, rockets, and bombs”.

Ole Solvang , an Emergencies Researcher with the group said,

“Day after day, Aleppo residents line up to get bread for their families, and instead get shrapnel piercing their bodies from government bombs and shells,”

“Ten bakery attacks is not random – they show no care for civilians and strongly indicate an attempt to target them.”

“These repeated attacks are either deliberate attacks on civilians, or they are reckless and indiscriminate attacks – both of which are war crimes.”

“Any pilot who launches a rocket against a line of civilians or any commander who gives an order to do so, should face justice for their crimes.”

See the full report from HRW here.

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