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Strong UNHRC resolution needed to help war victims says Chief Minister

Strong UNHRC resolutions calling for international investigation mechanisms and action to alleviate oppression in the North-East will be vital to fulfil the needs of war victims, the Chief Minister of the Northern Province has said.

Speaking at the Ilankai Tamil Arasu Katchi (ITAK) committee meeting on Friday, the Chief Minister, C V Wigneswaran said:

“The resolutions should serve to address truth and to provide justice for the affected people. As such an international mechanism to investigate and to take action was predominantly embedded in the NPC election manifesto.”

“Hence why we are passionately backing the need for an international mechanism; our primary pledge is to satisfy the needs of the war affected people and to seek the truth; with the ethnic conflict reaching a just resolution.”

 “In this country there has not been an instance where a serving judge has challenged the alleged war crimes of the three armed forces; they would rather brush it aside as if the problems happened elsewhere. Such a resolution should enforce the army to release parts of the land rightfully owned by our people. Also it should call for the release of political prisoners, and to take action for the missing persons. It should reduce the number of troops in the North.”

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