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Sri Lanka's Joint Opposition threats no confidence motion over OMP bill

The Sri Lankan Joint Opposition threatened to mvoe a motion of no confidence against the Speaker of the Parliament if he signs the controversial Office of Missing Persons bill, on Thursday.

Pivithuru Hela Urumaya leader MP Udaya Gammanpila said the matter had been formally raised with the Speaker, calling the bill - which was passed without a vote - illegal.

“He would not intend to sign the Draft Bill, if he truly loves the country since he even wears a national flag pin on his dress,” Adaderana reported him as adding.

His warning comes as Sri Lanka's former foreign minsiter G L Peiris added that the bill may be used to prosecute Sri Lankan soldiers. “The Truth Seeking Commission and the Special Accountability Court are the next steps of the OMP, also a result of the international pressure. It is not a product of domestically generated move,” he said. "These are very serious matters and that is why we are against the OMP Bill”.

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