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Sri Lankan security forces intimidate patients at Mullaitivu medical welfare camp

Patients at a medical welfare camp in Mullaitivu were intimidated and harassed by Sri Lankan security forces said the Northern Provincial Council member, S Sivamohan.

The medical welfare camp which was organised by the Jaffna Medical Association, took place last Saturday in the Koddaikadiya Kulam region of Mullaitivu district, providing free medical care for Mullaitivu residents.

Officers from the government's Civil Security Force approached residents and threatened them against attending the medical camp, Mr Sivamohan said.

Defying the security forces' warning however, over 150 patients received treatments, he added.

Mr Sivamohan said that he would be raising this issue with the chief minister of the northern province, C V Wigneswaran and to members of the Northern Provincial Council.

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