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Sri Lankan police found guilty of breaking international law over student protests

The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) found the Sri Lankan police guilty of violating international law in a landmark case last week, over the use of excessive force when dispersing student protestors in Colombo.

"(The) police action is a violation of the universal declaration of human rights as well as the international covenant on civil and political rights," said the commission said in a 32-page report last week.

Students who protested in Colombo in October were violently dispersed by police officers. "Students had been subjected to cruel and degrading treatment in violation of their rights guaranteed by the constitution as well as international human rights covenants," said the HRCSL.

The findings by the commission also ordered the payment of a total of 145,000 rupees ($1,035) to nine students who were hospitalised, as well as disciplinary action against perpetrators within the next 3 months.

See more from AFP here and The Economic Times here. 

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