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Sri Lankan navy thanks Australia for ‘capability enhancement’

The Sri Lankan navy thanked the Australian government for “capacity and capability enhancement” in a speech at the second day of the Defence Seminar, currently underway in Colombo.

Rear Admiral D.M.B Wettewa “underlined the importance of maritime security for the sake of national security concerns”, according to an official military website.

Addressing the audience, he went on to state:

“Thankfully, with the corporation and assistance by the Australian government on capacity and capability enhancement, we have been able to almost stop the Human Trafficking operations to Australia”.

Last month the Australian Federal Police (AFP) was accused of providing equipment and other assistance to the Sri Lankan Criminal Investigation Department (CID) to torture Tamil civilians.

Equipment ranging from furniture to high end software, which links photos videos and intelligence reports, were given to the Sri Lankan police according to a set of documents obtained by ABC News. Machines to extract data from mobile phones, including location data, and other software tools were also passed on.

See our earlier post:Australia accused of providing assistance to Sri Lanka to torture Tamils (04 Aug 2015)


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