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Sri Lankan navy commander ‘aware of abductions’ of children

The former commander of the Sri Lankan navy and other senior officers were aware that commandos were carrying out the abduction of children said the Sub Inspector of Sri Lanka’s Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

Giving evidence before the Colombo Chief Magistrate in the case of abductions that took place in September 2008, CID Sub Inspector Nishantha Silva stated that several high ranking officers and the commander were aware that the children were abducted.

Several government ministers were also aware that the abducted children were being held in police custody, reports Daily News.

“The officers responsible for the abduction of the children viz Lt. Commander Sampath Munasinghe, Hettiarchchi and Ranasinghe belonged to the private security outfit of the Navy Commander,” said Sub Inspector Silva. “Therefore, it is certain that the Commander should have been aware of the abduction.”

Also see our earlier posts:

Sri Lankan Navy abducted children confirms police spokesperson (03 Mar 2015)

Sri Lankan attorney general will not represent navy in abduction case (24 Apr 2015)

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