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Sri Lankan MPs say they will go to Geneva over harassment

The UPFA MP, Bandual Gunawardane, said him and other UPFA MPs would be going to Geneva in order to tell the international community about the harassment by state police and seek international protection.

Mr Gunawardane said on Saturday that they would be lodging a complaint with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Geneva within two weeks.

"It was important to inform the international community about Ranil Wickremesinghe’s ‘police government’," he was quoted by the Daily Mirror as saying.

“We will go to Geneva and complain to the IPU soon after we obtain an opportunity to meet them. The government officials and the bootlickers of this so called police government should know that we as peoples’ representatives of the parliament have international protection,” he added.

The UPFA was the main party of the former government led by Mahinda Rajapaksa, which vehemently condemned and rejected international involvement in ensuring accountability and justice to the Tamil people for mass atrocities committed against them during the armed conflict.

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