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Sri Lankan government has done nothing for Tamils state MPs

Tamil parliamentarians said that the Sri Lankan government has not assisted Tamils across the island, in comments made during a trip to India on Friday.

Tamil National Alliance MPs S Sritharan of Kilinochchi, C Nirmalanathan of Mannar and Democratic People's Front MP M Velukumar of Kandy said the current government still had not taken any steps to help Tamils, especially war widows in the North-East.
"Sri Lankan Tamils, especially widows, children and aged people, are facing severe challenges due to lack of shelter and jobs,” said Mr Sritharan.

"There are 90,000 registered Tamil widows,” added Mr Nirmalanathan. “There are several non-registered widows. Those children, who were aged below eight years during the end of the civil war, are now in need of higher education. Their parents are unable to meet the expenses."

Meanwhile said Upcountry Tamils, many of them still struggle in plantations, “are still socially, politically and economically backward”. “No development activities are being carried out by the Sri Lankan government for them," he added.

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