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Sri Lanka says domestic probe will be ready before September

The Sri Lankan government pledged today that a domestic mechanism of accountability would be in place before the UN Human Rights Council's 30th session this September.

"All I can say is that we will have a domestic mechanism in place in time when the 30th session of UNHRC commences in September," PTI quoted Sri Lanka's foreign minister, Mangala Samaraweera as saying in a press briefing at the United National Party headquarters on Thursday.

"We promised the people a domestic mechanism to look into human rights violations. There is a timeline for its setting up. We do have a timeline, we are working according to a timetable even now. I think we will be able to meet the timeline," Mr Samaraweera reportedly added.

Mr Samaraweera's press briefing comes days after the US Secretary of State John Kerry visited the island and urged that the new Sri Lankan government must "find truth wherever it may lead".

Related article: Domestic mechanism will ‘salvage the good name of armed forces’ - Sri Lankan FM (07 May 2015)

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