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Sri Lanka’s president denies closed-door meetings with the Chinese

Following the announcement that a Chinese military vessel would no longer be able to dock in Hambantota port, Chinese officials have sought an urgent meeting with senior Sri Lankan authorities.

The Daily Mirror notes that whilst some outlets have reported closed-door meetings between Chinese Ambassador Qi Zhenhong and Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe, the president’s office have denied this reporting.

A third-person note from Sri Lanka’s foreign ministry maintains that the arrival of the Chinese vessel be deferred until “further consultations are made on the matter”. The deferment of what Indian officials suspect is a “spy vessel” follows strong protests from Indian authorities.

On July 12 the Rajapaksa administration approved for the Chinese vessel, known as the Yuan Wang 5, to dock at Hambantota Port from August 11 to 17. However, since Wickremesinghe has taken office, the country appears to have taken a different approach to foreign policy.

During his inaugural speech, Wickremesinghe praised the Modi administration and sharply criticised the previous decisions to drop Indian investment projects on the island. In the same speech, however, he maintained that “all countries of the world are our friends”.

Read more here.

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