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Sri Lanka offers guidance on use of PTA, shows no sign of abolishment

Sri Lanka’s President Maithripala Sirisena has issued directives to police and armed forces arresting people under the draconian Prevention for Terrorism Act (PTA) that call on officials to refrain from humiliating and torturing the detainees, reports Colombo Page.

Mr Sirisena’s directive to the armed forces and security forces referred to guidelines for detention under the PTA that were issued by the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) last month.

The directive places guidance on the arrest procedure, the procceses that must be adhered to after arrest and on the treatment of detainees.

Tamil victims as well as the international community through UN resolutions and statements, have consistently called for the abolishment of the PTA which allows for indefinite arbitrary detention.

Sri Lanka must place a moratorium on PTA use until it is repealed - Human Rights Watch (13 June 2016)

Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission issues guidance on treatment of arbitrarily detained prisoners 28 May 2016)

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