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Sri Lanka gets tough with local fishermen as EU inspection approaches

The Sri Lankan government is cracking down on illegal practices by local fishermen, ahead of a EU inspection in November, in the hope that the ban on EU imports will be lifted.

Fisheries Minister Mahinda Amaraweera told the Sunday Times that the government had taken action to ensure that the fishermen adhered to the conditions set by the EU.

“The two vessels which had been found violating the conditions should have been fined Rs. 2.5 million each, but the Government had fined them only Rs. 1 million each, because it was their first offence,” he said.

The minister said the EU had put forward 57 conditions and the government was ensuring these were all complied with.

"I took up the issue with EU officials during a recent visit to Spain. I also briefed them on how Sri Lanka was fast tracking the implementation process. We are waiting for the inspection by an EU delegation due on November 13,” Minister Amaraweera said.

The EU said it was up to Sri Lanka to act, in order for the ban to be lifted.

“Both sides want this to be a successful process with a meaningful outcome. The EU had to take decisions negatively last year regarding Sri Lanka. But the boat is now in Sri Lanka’s port,” EU Ambassador David Daly said.

Sri Lanka's cabinet also decided on Wednesday to increase penalties on Sri Lankan fishermen who intrude into international waters.

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