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Sri Lanka calls for patience and support at UNHRC

Sri Lanka’s foreign minister called for “patience” and “support” from the international community during his address to the United Nations Human Rights Council during the Human Rights Chief’s oral update.

Stressing that his government had made progress on implementing the resolution 30/1 on promoting accountability and reconciliation, Mr Samaraweera said,

“What we have achieved so far since January 2015 may seem like ‘baby steps’ for some, but for us they are ‘giant leaps.’”

Pledging to have a clearer road map in March, he said,

“When I come back here in March next year, the contours of the new Sri Lanka we aspire to build I believe will be far clearer.”

Sri Lanka’s foreign minister said his government remained committed to the resolution and its implementation, adding,

“I urge all of you to support our journey with patience and perseverance.”

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