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Sri Lanka’s US fixer duped them out of millions

A former major fundraiser for the Obama campaign that was paid more than US$6.5 million by the Sri Lankan government to lobby US officials is now facing charges of tax evasion and failing to declare his work for Colombo.

Imaad Shah Zuberi is accused of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act and making illegal campaign contributions, which included funnelling money in an attempt to influence US elections.

Of the estimated US$ 6.5 million paid by Sri Lanka to Zuberi, US$ 5.65 million is thought to have been spent on personal uses.

“Out of the $6,500,000 wired from Sri Lanka pursuant to the Sri Lanka-WR contract, less than $850,000 was paid to lobbyists, public relations firms, law firms, and other subcontractors identified by defendant Zuberi,” states the case filed against him.

Prosecutors allege his pledges of lobbying on behalf of Sri Lanka in Washington, were part of a strategy to create business opportunities for Sri Lanka and for himself.

“Mr. Zuberi was the primary organizer of paid political efforts to mold the opinion of political officials, including members of Congress, to benefit Sri Lanka. Instead, he used shell business entities to divert millions of dollars for his own personal use,” said Special Agent in Charge Ryan L. Korner of IRS Criminal Investigation’s Los Angeles Field Office.

See more from the LA Times here and Sri Lanka’s Sunday Times here and here.

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