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South African Tamils call on TNA to ensure ‘political and economic rights’

The South African Tamil Federation congratulated the Tamil National Alliance on its recent election victory in the North-East and called on the party to ensure “peace, stability, political and economic rights for the Tamil speaking people in Sri Lanka”.

The organisation, which represents 650,000 Tamil speaking people in South Africa and has Provincial Structures in 7 Provinces across the country, continued to say the election victory was a message that the people “want change and that change should take place immediately”.

“The SATF will be waiting for the outcomes of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) report on the atrocities that took place in 2009, where it was estimated that over 40,000 Tamil speaking people were killed,” continued the statement.

Also see our earlier post:

Tamil diaspora orgs congratulate TNA on securing 16 seats in Sri Lanka parliament (22 Aug 2015)

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