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Sinhale flags not illegal rule Sri Lankan police

Sri Lankan authorities ruled that the use of ‘Sinhale’ flags was not illegal and have returned all seized items to their owners, reports The Island.
The Sri Lankan police had initially seized ‘Sinhale’ flags from an event in Colombo earlier this year. After ruling that the use of these flags, which depict a lion holding a sword, was not illegal, the flags have since been returned to the Swarnahansa Foundation, which organised the event.
‘Sinhale’, which means “lions’ blood” in Sinhala, has been part of a racist campaign, which has seen the slogan appear on public buses, police motorbikes and other vehicles, is being promoted by current UPFA Parliamentarian Udaya Gammanpila and the Sinhale National Movement.
Members of the movement have threatened LGBT activists on the island, as well as the graffiti having been found scrawled across the home of a Muslim family earlier this year.

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