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Shipwrecked asylum seekers appeal for help from New Zealand

A group of 65 asylum seekers have appealed to New Zealand for intervention, as their boat became shipwrecked after being pushed into Indonesian waters by Australian authorities.

The group, which includes women and children, were reportedly spotted by Australian authorities, with an Indonesian official saying “according to their testimony, they were pushed back by the Australian navy and immigration after they were interrogated”. The ship then hit a reef and became shipwrecked, with the group currently being held by Indonesian authorities.

Photos have emerged of the group holding signs in Tamil and English, stating “please try to understand our painful life New Zealand government” and “please save us”.

The asylum seekers are mostly fleeing from Sri Lanka, but also include people from Bangladesh and Myanmar.

A letter was also sent to New Zealand Immigration Minister Michael Woodhouse signed by all 65 asylum seekers, but the minister denied having received any correspondence.

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